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May 1st, 2020 
RE: Covid-19 and Fire Escapes 

  Escape Artists (EA), along with the SF Bay Area and world community is facing unique challenges lately and we are working through it like everyone else.  EA is committed to the fire-related safety at our Clients and Customers properties so we will continue to provide annual fire escape inspection and maintenance service in the coming weeks through the “Shelter in Place” order. 
  EA views our service as an “Essential Business” as defined in the recent San Francisco Department of Public Works, Order of the Health Officer No. C19-07, section 10, part (f), number (ix) “Plumbers, electricians, exterminators, and other service providers who provide services that are necessary to maintaining the safety, sanitation, and essential operations of residences, Essential Activities and Essential Businesses.” 
  Our Field Inspectors wear cloth or paper face masks per CDC and Shelter in Place guidelines while at work.  When we arrive and work at our Clients’ properties, EA employees are required to wear a mask. There is hand sanitizer and latex gloves available in each work truck, and at our work garages we also have the ability to wash hands with soap.  All EA employees must follow the following guidelines to help prevent the spread of Covid-19: 
~ Disinfect frequently touched objects and surfaces 
~ Avoid touching eyes, nose and mouth 
~ Wash hands often with soap and water for 20 seconds 
~ Cover a cough or sneeze with tissue, then discard or at minimum sneeze/cough in the crook of the arm.  
~ Avoid close contact with people who are sick, and stay at home if feeling sick (fever, cough, or shortness of breath) 

  We have posted notices in our office and work garages reminding employees about the proper way to wear masks, proper care for the masks and how protect ourselves and others from the spread of Covid-19. 
  While in transit and at work, we are committed to practicing good hygiene and practicing Social Distancing to the extent possible by working conditions.  We will evaluate the conditions daily and adjust as necessary to keep our Staff, the Public, our Clients and Customers, our Friends and Families safe. 

Take Good Care, 
Jabal Engelhard


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